Covid emergency. Campania Region: question on ISF work suffering


The now known COVID-19 Pandemic, officially declared by WHO on 11 March 2020, due to the nature extremely widespread of this pathogen, has unfortunately also led to a very serious epidemiological situation in our country, requiring the adoption of severe restrictive measures by the central government - active on the entire nation and currently extended until around 13 April, correct Prime Ministerial Decree of last April 1st - aimed at curbing the epidemic in question in an effective and rapid manner;

Despite the general limiting measures promptly put in place to contain the Coronavirus, the contagion has also advanced in our Region, leading to additional local safety provisions, and putting a strain on the entire territorial economic-productive system, with inevitable consequences for the community, and the emergence from time to time of new categories of workers in difficulty, due to the forced interruption of activities.


Among the categories revealing particular unattended work suffering in this period of pandemic emergency, there is that of the Scientific Representatives of the Pharmaceutical, whose activity in Campania, governed by Regional Law n.8 of 06-27-2011, and providing for express accreditation procedures, was officially interrupted with Circular Note Prot.2020.05150477 of 03-09-2020 of the Directorate General for Health Protection and the Coordination of the Regional Health System, that it suspended until 15 April the information and promotion operations in the SSR Structures and in the MMG and PLS Medical Clinics/Studies, also forbidding telephone or email communications that are not of an urgent nature;

This decision, applying the national provisions to combat the Coronavirus, and essentially intended to limit access to areas dedicated to assistance for those who need it, in order to avoid excessive pressure for health professionals, effectively blocked a activity while functional to the health system.


The aforementioned territorial economic-productive emergency situation resulted in a specific institutional commitment, which merged into the so-called Maxi Aid Plan recently announced by the Campania Region, expressly providing for 272 million euros for interventions on the socio-economic axis;

In this case, no compensatory measure was taken into account for the aforementioned category;

The problem of drug sales representatives was also highlighted by the joint trade union parties CGIL, FEMCA CISL and UILTEC;


With a view to pursuing a fair social balance, such a reality cannot be disregarded, also given the peculiarity of the profession in question, which is undoubtedly useful to the general health system.

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