With 377 votes in favor, no against and 60 abstentions, the Chamber of Deputies approved the new rules on the transparency of relations between manufacturing companies, entities operating in the health sector and health organizations
We report the statements of the Hon. Baroni, after the House approved the so-called "Sunshine Act"
“The bill at my first signature “Transparent Healthcare” was approved by a very large majority.
From now on, the manufacturing companies will have to declare the transfers of money, goods, or other utilities that bring an advantage, even indirectly (including shareholdings and patents), towards the subjects operating in the sector of Health.
The data, communicated annually, will be public and can be consulted by everyone on the institutional websitewhich will be called “Transparent Healthcare”.
Responsible management of the health system and the transparency are the keys to the good healthcare of the future.
Full speed ahead!
It will now go to second reading in the Senate.
The links of interest, with "Transparent Healthcare" will cease to be opaque. Mandatory transparency is introduced in the links of interest between the healthcare industry, healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations. From now on, it will be cheaper for the healthcare industry to invest in Research and Development than in interest links and healthcare marketing.
Related news: Law proposal n. 4814
Rome, 4th Apr. (AdnKronos Salute) – “Our bill for a 'Transparent Healthcare' has received the go-ahead from the Chamber of Deputies. This is a great result, the result of a historic battle of the 5 Star Movement to bring new rules in health care, which fight corruption and guarantee the right to health of all citizens". Thus, in a note, the deputies of the 5 Star Movement Massimo Enrico Baroni and Nicola Provenza, respectively the first signatory and speaker in the Chamber of the law, after the go-ahead from the Chamber to the measure.
“We are also close to a historic turning point from a cultural point of view, because we are establishing the principle of widespread transparency in the healthcare system and because we guarantee the right to information for all citizens. In the 'Health Transparent' register on the Ministry of Health website, in fact, all donations exceeding 50 euros made by the industry to doctors and administrative staff (and exceeding 500 euros if intended for healthcare organizations).
This - continue the deputies of the 5 Star Movement - will allow us to sterilize all possible conflicts of interest that threaten the health of patients ". “For too long the relationships between public and private have lived in opacity to the detriment of meritocracy and the contestability of careers. But with this law, which is now awaiting the green light from the Senate, everyone in the world of health too will have to act in the light of the sun and in full transparency ", conclude Baroni and Provenza.
“The first great enemy of corruption is transparency, even in healthcare. For this reason we have intervened with the 'Transparent Health' law proposal, which will bring to the light of the sun all the ties of interest linking companies in the sector industry with medical and administrative personnel. Only in this way will we be able to prevent many phenomena of corruption in the world of health: to date, we recall, there are 129 corruption every year, about one every three days ", declare the deputies of the 5 Star Movement in the Social Affairs Commission. The bill "has no cost to the State and introduces the principle, including cultural, of total transparency.
Pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of medical devices will be obliged to publish all direct and indirect funding to healthcare professionals, otherwise they will pay fines of 20 times the value of the omitted declaration. Furthermore, thanks to a whistleblowing tool”, the spokesmen continue, “we encourage reports on those who do not comply with the obligation”. "We are facing a change of enormous significance for the world of health, which goes convincingly in the direction of protecting the right to health and promoting the right to information for all citizens", they conclude.
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