Rome, 8 Oct. (Adnkronos Salute) – The scientific information offered by companies to family doctors was rejected, 'rejected' both in terms of quantity and quality. More than 3 out of 4 white coats (about 77%) are dissatisfied. With an increase of 1.3% compared to 2007, when it was 75.6%. In particular, there is an increase in professionals who are 'never' or 'rarely' satisfied, today at 24.%, against 23% in 2007. While the vast majority, almost 80%, are convinced that scientific information must change. The second survey promoted by the National Study Center of the Italian Federation of General Practitioners (Fimmg), carried out on a sample of 800 doctors representative of the entire sector, 'measured' the approval of family doctors. The data, compared with those from last year's similar research, will be discussed tomorrow during the round table 'The delay of scientific information', within the national congress of Fimmg, underway in Villasimius (Ca). Doctors like the method most used by pharmaceutical companies less and less, that of direct contact with drug sales representatives (Isf). And less satisfied than in the past are the doctors who rank among the most dissatisfied on a general level: among the doctors in the 'rarely' and 'never' satisfied category, we go from dissatisfaction with the Isfs of 18.3% in 2007 to 20.2% in 2008 (+1.9%). Adding the satisfied 'sometimes' category, the lack of satisfaction, although more significant in percentage terms, did not increase much: it went from 68.9% in 2007 to 69.4% in 2008, with a more attenuated increase, equal to 0.5%. The organizational difficulties are also confirmed, felt a lot by the doctor who is in any case coping better with the problem: in fact, those who receive the Isfs only by appointment are growing by 4.6%, 42.3% in 2008 against 37.7% in 2007. Therefore, the percentage who receives them between one visit and another decreases, from 37% to 30.8%. But above all, the number of Isfs received by doctors significantly decreased by about 6%. If approximately 51% of doctors received over 20 Isf in a month, today the percentage of these white coats drops to 45.3%. A figure which - according to the Fimmg study - would seem to confirm, together with the organizational discomfort, also the perception of a scarce added value, if for approximately the 80% of the sample the request for greater specific competence on the part of the medical-scientific informant on general medicine and on the territorial reality in which the doctor operates remains stable. The scientific competence of the Isf remains, with a growing trend, the most important characteristic of these operators according to the 63% family doctors (it was the 60% in 2007). But the negative judgment of the doctors - the study specifies - is on the instrument and not on the people or the category. Indeed, the lack of importance attributed by doctors to the pharmaceutical brand represented by the Isf is confirmed, only 9.4% (it was 8.4% in 2007) attaches importance to this element, while the personal relationship with the Isf is growing in importance, today for 69.2% of doctors (it was 67.9% in 2007). A particular datum emerges from the comparison of the 2007-2008 data: the widening of the differences between female doctors and male doctors with respect to the characteristics that matter most in the informant's profile. Women doctors, for 69.7% - against 61.8% of men - pay attention to the substance, favoring the importance of the competence of the Isf over the personal relationship, with a 52.5% for women against 73% for men. In any case it is confirmed - with a slight decrease - that for the vast majority of family doctors (79.2%) the scientific information of the farm