2000 jobs in the Pharmaceutical sector in Italy

From 2001 to 2013 the pharmaceutical industry increased productivity by +55%, in 2013 pharmaceutical exports to Italy grew by 14% and by 64% in the last 5 years, in 2014 the pharmaceutical sector saw manufacturing growth over 3 times higher than the national average, is second only to Germany. In the last 7 years, 13,400 people have been made redundant! Ed

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most profitable and economically important industrial activities in the world, this sector is very broad in fact it brings together the research, manufacturing and marketing of drugs for human or veterinary medicine.

In Italy the chemical-pharmaceutical sector is among the most solid and dynamic sectors, now it is preparing to give new breath with 2000 job opportunities, given that if it has not passed unscathed by the economic crisis which has drastically reduced Italian consumption in recent years .

The announcement was made by the president of Farmindustria, Massimo Scaccabarozzi, during the 2014 public assembly, who declared “The drug companies are ready to invest at least one and a half billion euros in the next three years, of which 470 million have already been declared. And they are ready to create 2,000 new job opportunities for young people”.

In support of what has been declared, they speak clearly of data that we are going to summarize below and which were made available in the 2014 Shareholders' Meeting:

– dal 2001 al 2013 la farmaceutica ha aumentato la produttività del +55% rispetto al +1% della media nazionale,

– nel 2013 l’export farmaceutico in Italia è cresciuto del 14% e del 64% negli ultimi 5 anni,

– dal 2008 al 2013l e aziende hanno determinato il 34% dell’aumento complessivo delle esportazioni manifatturiere in Italia,

– nel 2014 il settore farmaceutico una crescita manifatturiera del 2,6%, ossia oltre 3 volte superiore alla media, pari allo 0,8%.

– l’Italia è seconda solo alla Germania per valore della produzione farmaceutica in Ue con 28 miliardi, il 71% destinato all’export.

Positive data that bodes well for new hires to be added to the over 62,000 employees in the pharmaceutical sector.

Source: Ansa – 12 July 2014 – Public competitions

Related news: https://www.fedaiisf.it/Start/HDefault.aspx?Newsid=9462

Ed.: despite these numbers, 13,400 jobs have been lost in the last seven years (see: https://www.fedaiisf.it/Start/HDefault.aspx?Newsid=8931 ) and the trend does not seem to stop. Very recent is the news of layoffs in Astellas, Novartis Siena, and previously Abbott, Lundbeck and many others going back in time without counting the sensational Marvecs case.

And what does the union do? In addition to making money on the conciliation of 13,400 people (the gain it implements on each worker made redundant), in 2008 he set up with Farmindustria the "big" project "welfarma" which should relocate the redundant workers. As of 2013, it has relocated as many as 270 out of 13,400 (see: https://www.fedaiisf.it/Start/HDefault.aspx?Newsid=8497 ), pocketing European funds for the relocation and funding from Farmindustria itself and the Ministry of Labour, which recently refinanced it with 1 million euros.

We wonder if the President of Farmindustria, when he makes the statements reported by the press on the 2,000 new jobs, really believes them or is it a joke?





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