Editorial board– July 8, 2013- More and more reeks of profitable business behind the Stamina Foundation by Davide Vannoni.
The first piece is called Medestea and is a multinational pharmaceutical company that also markets cosmetic products. Vannoni himself admitted that Medestea has undertaken to finance his research with two million euros "However -aggioungr- the crisis took over and it only paid 450,000 euros, let's hope there are other payments".
The president of the multinational is called Gianfrano Merizzi, old acquaintance of Raphael Guariniello, which put him under investigation for the Cellulase, an anti-cellulite product.
However, the investigations show an economic interest and this only increases the perplexities of the scientific committees towards Vannoni and the Stamina method. Scientists who are now asking the government to block the experimentation which, moreover, would cost 3 million in public funds.
From being scientific, the Stamina case increasingly assumes the contours of a judicial-political affair.
Nature traps Vannoni: "The Stamina method is a plagiarism"